Support Your Community Radio - KUPR 99.9 FM
KUPR is a listener-supported radio station. Without you, we cannot stay on the air because, unlike other public radio stations, low power stations receive no government funding. Here are some ways you can help us stay on the air. And, please thank our supporters who are listed here.
- DONATE: We depend on listener support for most of our funding. Please consider making a one-time or a sustaining (monthly) financial contribution to your Community Radio Station, KUPR. No gift is too small and may be tax deductible.
- UNDERWRITE: You, your business or non-profit can sign up as a KUPR underwriter: Underwriting identifies you as supporting radio programming on KUPR and carries your message to our diverse audience. Underwriting spots on KUPR are also the perfect way to broadcast your special event to Placitas and beyond! Underwriting spots are produced in blocks of ten 30-second announcements with flexible scheduling. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
- CHARITIBLE DISTRIBUTIONS: Most people no longer receive tax benefits for their charitable donations because they take the standard deduction, as opposed to itemizing deductions. ... For those of you 70 or older who are receiving mandatory distributions from a qualified plan, donating via a Qualified Charitible Distribution can offset taxable income. (Required minimum distributions (RMDs) were suspended for 2020. The suspension does not apply to 2021, so RMDs for 2021 must be taken in accordance with the usual rules.) As a program of Las Placitas Association, KUPR can be the beneficiary of such a donation. Your financial advisor can arrange this for you.
- SPECIFIC PROGRAMMING: You can make a donation here for a specific program or event.
- VOLUNTEER: We also depend on our community to provide programming. We provide free training and support to our programmers. Interested in hosting on KUPR? Or, just want to help us keep running smoothly? Use our contact form to reach out.
All our supporters are recognized, some on the air and all on our website - by category:
It's easy to make a donation, just mail a check to KUPR, Post Office Box 888, Placitas, New Mexico 87043 OR click the "Donate" button below to process payment through your Pay Pal account, debit card or credit card. To underwrite KUPR and promote your business or non-profit, just contact your favorite KUPR personality.
- Hall of Fame: Superstars who continue to support KUPR with a substantial contribution every year are recognized in the Hall of Fame.
- Superstars: For $600 or more or a recurring donation of at least $50 a month, you can support KUPR's community broadcasting 365 days a year. You will be acknowledged on the air and recognized on the KUPR website.
- Rockstars: For $300 or more (up to $599) or a recurring donation of $25 a month, you can support KUPR's community broadcasting 365 days a year. You will be recognized on the KUPR website.
- Fans: Supporters who make a one time donation or pledge a monthly contribution in an amount not qualifying you as a Superstar or Rockstar are KUPR Fans. No gift is too small! Our fans are recognized on this website unless they choose to remain anonymous. We wouldn't be here without you!
- Listeners: No donation required. Just pass the word and drop us a line from time to time to let us know what you enjoy about KUPR,
It's easy to make a donation, just mail a check to KUPR, Post Office Box 888, Placitas, New Mexico 87043 OR click the "Donate" button below to process payment through your Pay Pal account, debit card or credit card. To underwrite KUPR and promote your business or non-profit, just contact your favorite KUPR personality.
And remember, you can make an affordable monthly donation by clicking PayPal's "Make This Recurring (Monthly)" button!